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MD2SAW > PACKET   02.04.24 21:05l 203 Lines 9474 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
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Read: GAST
Subj: Specs: PingPong conversd
Path: FFLB0X<DBO841<DBO595<DBX320<MD2BBS
Sent: 240401/1334Z @:MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU #:20319 [Salzwedel] $:000533MD2SAW

Specification of conversd's protocol.

This file is part of the Tampa PingPong conversd-Distribution

$Revision: $$Date: 2001/10/10 13:29:59 $

This file is _very_ far away from being complete, but I think a description
of the host command is needed for you to implement your own conversds.

A connection may have four states: UNKNOWN, USER, OBSERVER or HOST.
When a connection is established, it falls into the UNKNOWN state.

State UNKNOWN knows about four commands:

 /NAME <call> [channel]
	- this command makes a user login, i.e. the state will be changed
	  USER, the sign on message will be displayed user's name set to
	  call, and channel will be entered. The latter is optional, if
	  not enterted, channel 0 will be selected. The channel number
	  must be in the range of 0..32767 due to older conventions.

 /..HOST <hostname> [software [facilities]]
	- the command is sent by the connecting host to join the HOST
	  state. The host name must be given, the software string and
	  facility string is optional. Software sting may be up to eight
	  characters long. The facility string consists of single letters
	  already assigned are:
	    a - "away feature" (old style - will expire Dec, 31th 1995)
	    d - "destination forwarding"
	    m - "channel modes"
	    p - "ping pong link measurement"
	    u - "udat command extension and user command understood both"
	    A - "away feature" (new style)
	    n - "TNOS-style" nickname support
          If you like to assign new characters, please drop me a note
          with a brief description of the feature... I will include it
          in further specifications.

 /ONLINE <a|l|q>
	- it is the same as the normal "who" command in the USER state
	  except you don't need to login...

        - This is the normal "links" command called in the USER state. No
          login is necessary.

State HOST accepts the following commands:

 /..AWAY <user> <host> <time> [text]                       (OPTIONAL)
	- mark user@host on channel as being away. If text is not present
	  he is back again. The given text should be stored in your
	  conversd to give a hint to the users doing a private message
	  to an away-being person. Time indicates, when the command was
	  issued       (* WARNING format changed at pp-3.01 -> 3.02 *)

 /..CMSG <user> <channel> <text>                          (NECESSARY)
	- channel message. user wrote it to the whole channel. text
	  should be delivered to all users on this channel, and to
	  all hosts who are a downstream for a user in this channel.
	  Be aware of duplicating strings ! if user is "conversd",
	  this a broadcast Message. Then no formatting should be done.

 /..DEST <host> <time> [software]                          (OPTIONAL)
	- The host is reachable for the other node via me in time seconds.
          The aim host is running the named software.

 /..ECMD <user> <cmdname> [parameters]                     (OPTIONAL)
	- If 'user' is "conversd", then this host is broadcasting the
          existance of an extended command named 'cmdname'. In this case
          'parameters' is ignored.

          Otherwise, this is a request from 'user' to execute the command
          'cmdname', with 'parameters' passed to the command. Any/All
          hosts supporting this command can respond, assuming that each
          one passes the command on down the line, or can act on the command
          and finish the command.

 /..HELP <user> <cmdname>                                 (OPTIONAL)
	- This is a request from 'user' to retrieve the help information
	  for command 'cmdname', which is an extended ECMD somewhere on the
	  system. Any/All hosts supporting this command can respond, assuming
	  that each one passes the command on down the line, or can act on
	  the command and finish the command.

 /..INVI <from> <user> <channel>                          (NECESSARY)
	- An invitation from from is sent to user via the whole network.
	  if the user is found on your system, he should be informed
	  about the invitation and an answer string should be sent to
	  from using the UMSG command.

 /..LOOP <host>                                            (OPTIONAL)
	- Indicates that a routing loop has been discovered. This
          connection should be dropped upon receipt of this message.

 /..MODE <channel> <options>                               (OPTIONAL)
	- set channel to mode options. possible options are:
	  +i - invisible channel, its existence is not displayed
	  +l - local channel, no text forwarding is performed
	  +m - moderated channel, only channel operators may write
	  +p - private channel, invitation needed to join into
	  +s - secret channel, no channel number is displayed
	  +t - topics may be set only by channel operators.

 /..OBSV <user> <host> <timestamp> <fromchan> <tochan> [@|text]
	- user@host left fromchan and joined tochan at time timestamp
          as an OBSERVER ONLY. This places the user in OBSERVER state.
	  text is his personal name (like in the UDAT field). A '@'
	  in the text field indicates an empty personal note.
          If tochan == -1 (user leaves channel) the additional text
          indicates the reason for the signoff...

 /..OPER <fromname> <channel> <user>                       (OPTIONAL)
	- user becomes either channel-operator or operator
          (if channel==-1). from set this status for user.

 /..PING                                                   (OPTIONAL)
	- a pong answer is requested. no arguments are given to ping.

 /..PONG <time>                                            (OPTIONAL)
	- time is your own measured time (i.e. ping sent to pong re-
	  ceived). Special values:
	    -1: you don't do measurements.
	     0: I did not make measurements yet, but it's implemented.

 /..ROUT <dest> <user> <ttl>                               (OPTIONAL)
	- user queried his server for the route to a given host in
	  the network. Upon receipt of such a request, send back a
	  personal conversd response to <user> containing this string:
	  "*** route: <myname> -> <downstreamname> -> <dest>" While
	  Collecting all these messages, the user will learn the
	  individual route to his desired destination. A ttl greater
	  than 0 indicates that this query should be forwared to the
	  next hop.

 /..SYSI <user> <host>|all                       (OPTIONAL/SUGGESTED)
	- 'user' requests system information for 'host' or all systems.
	  At the MINIMUM, the email address of the convers sysop
	  should be available via this command.

 /..TOPI <user> <host> <time> <channel> [text]             (OPTIONAL)
	- user@host set up a new topic at time (seconds passed since
          Jan, 1 1970) on channel. The topic is given in the text.
	  If text is empty, the topic is removed only. If your host
	  holds a newer topic, it should not be changed and forwarded...

 /..UADD <user> <host> <nickname> <channel> [text]         (OPTIONAL)
	- user@host sets his personal description to text (or removes
          it). Also the 'nickname' is set. Since there is overlap
          between the /..UADD, /..UDAT, and /..USER commands, this
          is primarily used for setting the nickname, and for compatibility
          with early versions of TNOS, which did not support the /..UDAT

 /..UDAT <user> <host> [text]                             (NECESSARY)
	- user@host sets his personal description to text (or removes
	  it). This field is _obsolete_ ! The personal description is
	  transmitted via the /..USER command. In internet converse
	  it is still used, so I check out the environment.

 /..UMSG <from> <to> <text>                               (NECESSARY)
	- from sends a private message to to. The contents of text
	  should not be formattet if from is "conversd".

 /..USER <user> <host> <timestamp> <fromchan> <tochan> [@|text]
	- user@host left fromchan and joined tochan at time timestamp.
	  text is his personal name (like in the UDAT field). A '@'
	  in the text field indicates an empty personal note.
          If tochan == -1 (user leaves channel) the additional text
          indicates the reason for the signoff...

All HOST state commands that are NOT supported or recognized must be
passed on unmodified to all connected hosts.

The OBSERVER state is a subset of the USER state, and only allows commands
that produce NO output to others.

I hope this helps you to implement your own playground...

Fred Baumgarten,,

Updated for Tampa PingPong by Brian A. Lantz,, 

73 Manuel.


8b   d8 888b. d88b .d88b.    db  Yb        dP  Sysop:Manuel
8YbmdP8 8   8 " dP YPwww.   dPYb  Yb  db  dP  QTH: Salzwedel - JO52NU
8  "  8 8   8  dP      d8  dPwwYb  YbdPYbdP  BBS: MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU
8     8 888P' d888 `Y88P' dP    Yb  YP  YP  QRV: 27.235 MHz / 27.025 MHz
Terminal: MD2SAW via CB0SAW
CB0SAW Teamspeak3-/I-Net-/HF-Gateway/I-Gate AXIP: U 8093

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